Garage Doors and Maintenance: Keep Your Door in Great Shape

When I bought my first home, I knew I was going to have to start maintaining different parts of the home to keep everything functioning properly. However, what I did not realize was that the garage door was one of these things. I decided to create this website because I had no idea how much maintenance a garage door needed and what types of maintenance. If you aren't cleaning your garage door tracks, checking for loose screws or oiling the tracks on a bi-monthly basis, I hope my website teaches you how to do this maintenance and the importance of performing it.

3 Common Garage Door Springs Problems


Garage door springs are silent heroes that work in the background to keep your door functional. However, the springs deteriorate with time since you operate your garage door multiple times each day. Here are some common garage door spring failures to watch out for. 

Broken Torsion Springs

A garage door can have either extension or torsion springs. However, torsion springs feature in most garage doors because they are more durable than extension springs, thanks to the dense construction material.  

Torsion springs allow you to open and close your garage door with ease. When you close your garage door, the spring tightens. And when you lift your garage door, the tension springs loosen up, which makes the garage door light enough to lift. 

If the torsion springs break, your garage door won't stay open. Other times, the door can only open a few inches and then get stuck there. Garage door springs make a loud gunshot or firecracker noise when they break, so you'll definitely know when the springs break. A professional can repair or replace the springs for you in case that happens. 

Squeaking Springs 

Naturally, garage door springs produce some noise during regular operation. But if the noises escalate and become downright annoying, then you have a problem. The likely culprits for the noises are defective springs or poor lubrication. Remember, garage door springs are metal components, so lubrication is essential for the smooth operation of your garage door.

As a rule of thumb, you should lubricate your garage door springs twice a year to keep them functional. You can spray either white lithium grease or silicone to lubricate the springs. But don't soak the springs with lubricant so they don't drip down as you operate the door. If lubrication doesn't eliminate the noise, your garage door expert can check for broken or worn-out springs.  

Spring Tension Issues

Sufficient tension is crucial for your garage door to open and close properly. Over time, the garage door springs weaken and stretch, which makes them less effective. Worn-out springs also result in severe tension loss. And while your garage door will still open, it will do so rather slowly. 

Fortunately, tension issues are easy to fix, but you shouldn't attempt repairs yourself. The springs are constantly under immense tension. They might injure you severely if they snap as you attempt DIY repairs. So, leave the job to a professional. 

Garage door springs are vital components of your garage door's assembly. If the springs break or lose their tension, your garage door may not work as you'd expect. So, schedule repairs with a garage door repair professional to restore your door's functionality.   


8 March 2022